We had a great time yesterday at Layla’s party. It started at 10am and lasted till 3pm. We were lucky to have so many people come and enjoy the day with us. I took some photos and posted them on my flickr page, although I wasn’t too happy with the results. I wanted to enjoy the day and not spend all day shooting pictures. There must be a way to do this and still get great photos. I blame the equipment although I have a feeling it might be my switching back and forth between lenses. I am thinking that something very wide angle might be great, although when shooting kids I can imagine being able to shoot from a distance is equally important.
I enjoy always watching Layla in her elements. I realize I worry constantly as a parent. I worry about how well she will relate with the other children, if she will get a long, play nice, smile, be happy. Sounds like lyrics to a song. I think most of this worry is useless, and I am not so sure why as parents we think we can create this perfect world for our children, maybe in hopes of sheltering them from many of the negative events of life that we had to go through. No matter how much I know these are unavoidable, it rarely curves my worry that she be happy. I know that on the river of life there are many obstacles. We give our children a paddle and a life vest, a temporary boat. It is hard as parents because we have never really been given blueprints for these designs. I guess all we can do is hope that ours are good enough.