It has been a great weekend, we have been blessed to have family come and visit us… Yes, it at times can be exhausting, but I feel blessed that we would have so many people that would come and share a day with us. We had been alone here for so long, that to have people coming and staying it was a bit of a shock to our senses. This week, I realized just how lucky we truly are. Yesterday we went to Monterey and everything was covered with these beautiful purple flowers. I enjoyed having a bit of time to take my camera for a spin and get some nice pictures of Layla. I bought a Photoshop magazine and have decided that I would treat myself to this every month. I think it may be nine dollars well spent, and the lessons are great.
Wendy’s Cousin gave me a short lesson on music theory and I have downloaded a 185 page book on fretboard logic, I am looking forward to learning some new skills on my guitar… Spanish class is on the wayside and I have two overall feelings… 1. I feel like I gave up for not completing it, 2. I feel an overwhelming joy in having my evenings freed up. Oh well…. sometimes you just have to do things in life that seem and feel right.
I was thinking today that maybe my interests in life are too far spread. But in some respects it is this joy that keeps life so interesting…
You once told me I never stick with anything very long and I needed to stay focused if I ever wanted to complete any projects. I took you seriously and consequently wrote two books.
I have to tell you though that the hardest part still faces me which is the editing. Let’s see if I can continue to stay focused. I decided to take the week off and of course had a relapse of the cold I had. De Ja Vu. I plan to write my parting thought with an elaboration in my blog sometime today.
You are blessed and it’s good you know that. It’s not a bad idea to thank God every day for it. I need to do the same.