Oooh the weather outside is frightful, but inside it’s so delightful. As long as it doesn’t snow, let it rain , let it rain, let it rain.
How appropriate that’s it raining today. Finally I can relax from the sunshine and have an excuse to sit and watch TV all day and knit. On any other day this would seem self indulgent and just plain wrong. I find it so funny how the media hipes up the rainy weather like it’s the next blizzard, tornado, hurricane, or winter storm. Get a grip California! It’s Rain! You remember that wet stuff that’s supposed to fall from the sky occasionally so we can fill the aquifers and rivers. The one thing we need most besides food and love? So grab your raincoat, boots or just set the coffee pot on again, pop some popcorn and sit back and enjoy it! Ok, so a few power outages may happen, but there’s still candles, flashlights , checkers, memory, Parcheesi, monopoly, trouble, candy-land, Yahtzee and boundless other fun family stuff. Even better, get out the dreaded craft box and play-dough. Gas stove? How about baking some cookies, always a delight in my house. Make a tent, have a pillow fight, pile all the pillows on the floor and jump from the bed. So Californian’s don’t be afraid of a few rain drops, turn the weatherman off and don’t panic. Enjoy! My kids always ask why it raining? My answer: “Because God wants to water his garden today”.