Next week I will partake in my first sprint triathlon. Training has been great fun, although sadly I am thinking now that I need quite a bit more of it. Although probably just last minute jitters. This time, by myself, weather in a pool, bouncing on the treadmill, biking circles around west cliff, or reflecting upon my left side cramp trying extremely hard not to give up and just watch the surfers instead, has really been special. It has given me purpose, a goal (for the first time in a long time) to attain, and a new bar to hurdle as I reach into the grab bag of my 32 year old and often more resentful muscles. I have noticed a positive change in my body that I really didn’t see coming. I have shed a few pounds, I feel much better at the end of 4 mile run, and this year when running the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf (although admittedly cutting over a mile off of it) felt surprisingly well, without a hint of acky-ness the following day, and I didn’t once have to stop to walk. All this and my attitude is better. I feel more energized. Maybe it is the 3 fruits a day, and the vegetables. Or maybe it is just having something new again. Something to help that struggling dopamine center in my frontal cortex scream out. Damn it is surely good to be alive! And wow, I really really really, think red is beautiful on that icy cool can of soda!! give me give me give me.
Running, Water, and Purpose
I am sure all this positivity, and self flattery, is short lived, because I happen to know that as of right now after swimming for 30 minutes, biking for another 45, and then trying to finish the final leg of the triathlon with the run, I am not sure I can do it without stopping for a breather. But I am optimistic. I am in fact competing with my mind, and trying to get my body to listen for once. Mind, Body, Spirit…. Water, land, and fire(in heart) Purpose, Desire, and Meaning, Father, Son and Holy spirit, All great things come in 3’s: 3 and 2 is going to be a great year, I can just feel it.
The closest I came to what your doing is running the Mall to Marina in Stockton and our morning runs in Outward Bound. I did manage to run and then slowly jog the whole Mall to Marina, passing up three trim women at the end to keep from being last. They gave me a dirty look as I passed them.
You make me realize again that I was once young and could do these things. It's good to hear you've lost some weight and feel invigorated. I know the feeling. It's been awhile though.
Be sure to pace yourself. You don't have to win. You merely have to compete and finish. If you pace yourself properly, you'll be able to finish without walking or resting or whatever. So relax and just enjoy it.
So good luck on your journey and know I'm jealous because I can no longer do these things.