Dear Saul,
I don’t know what to say. You were a friend, you made me smile, you always gave me a bad time for not making it to the gym, you thought you were good at poker, but really I knew the truth. You were kind, you always gave everyone your undivided attention, you were one of the hardest workers I knew and yet you never made it seem like you were working… You were a father, a dreamer, you argued with me just so you could see me turn red and I hoped that some day I could get you to do the same. You were stubborn, but always willing to listen to both sides, you loved to laugh and you made me laugh. You made this place a better one every day. You were the first person I worked with on my very first day ever as a PA. You may never have known how scared I was that day, and then again maybe you did, but it was your confidence, your calm and reassuring demeanor that let me know things would be ok. I will never forget that.
Stephen, this touched me and brought tears to my own eyes.