My body aches!!! We had a great day playing softball in King City. Tomorrow I have to get three fillings and I am not at all excited. I spent the rest of the evening posting some photos and watching the end of Deliver Us from Evil, which is a documentary about O Grady and the evil cover up of the Catholic Church. It is shameful to think that this not only happened but continues to happen. How can the Catholic Church stands by while children are Raped and abused? How horrible. And to think Mahony just turned a blind eye in favor of power and public image. And Pope Benedict the previous appointee to handle such things for all the Catholic Church. And he is considered holy??? I have to even wonder myself how someone with a conscience could let this happen.
I wrote a nice response to this and it got lost. I’m at the Pierce Country library doing research on liberation theology. Was at UW on Wednesday. Had a nice walk through campus. Was wonderful. Had dinner at the fraternity and had a good time. My other comment here was that Mahoney is a phony and the leaders of the Church have forgotten about Jesus’ talk of bringing good news to the poor etc. But the church has been in this place before and has returned at times and is still going after 2000 years so we must have faith. We are the Church and it’s our duty to do the right thing and not to wait for them to do the right thing. Keep going to mass and receiving the sacraments. Ignore whatever else these guys do if it doesn’t follow Jesus’ teaching.