I have been joking a lot recently about my journey towards a more Zen state of mind.
I started blogging more seriously Feb 11, 2011. This initiated a transformation in my life.
One that saw a progression towards more screen time. More time pounding at keys late into the evening.
Eventually the purchase of an iPhone so that I could take more of my tech with me.
Ironically, it is only when I am separated from all this that I feel the most aware, my mind can find peace in the constant ocean of digital overflow.
I stopped writing here as well. The pasquinifamily like so many of my ideas was going to be a place for our families greatest ideas to come together in a digital preserve.
Yet it is usually my solo voice here, but that is to be expected.
Since Feb 2011 things have changed so fast. It seems still that most people with a voice choose not to express it.
Those that do get lost in the abundance of digital junk that overflows into the ether of the internet.
The internet as man’s collective conscience. I wonder sometimes if it is accessing me while I am sleeping.
So today I vow to slow down.
Live with a reminder that life does not need to be always planned. That a quite moment need not be filled.
To slow down, today I vow to slow down!
Well Stephen, I was posting here and the last time I had a couple posts, I could get in and it slowed me down just enough to stop me until it was ready to go. By then, I was busy with other things. I’m sure you understand. So I actually have two post which I already wrote and plan on writing another in the next day or so if I can remember what it was I thought was important enough to discuss here with the Pasquini Family. So don’t lose hope.
If life, keep in mind, that it doesn’t take much to slow progress down so it’s important always be positive and keep things simple. Can’t remember why I couldn’t log in, but I tried for a couple days and then gave up even though you did fix it after a couple days. But by then the urge had left me until yesterday when I was thinking I need to post and now see your post and feel a little more motivated to continue writing in our blog.
I wrote in haste and didn’t check it for errors and of course saw some as soon as I sent it off.
In the first paragraph it should read, “…I could get in and it slowed me down just enough to stop me until it was ready to go.”
In the second paragraph it’s supposed to say, “In life, keep in mind, that it doesn’t take much to slow progress down…”
Reread your blog and it reminded me of a quote, “God resides in quiet places,” or something like that. I always liked that.