Had my first classical guitar class last night, it was a lot of fun. Except we are expected at some point to actually learn to read guitar sheet music. So I sat there in the back row of course behind many a music major, in shame and in awe of the strange notes and lines that were all around me. I guess it was kind of like sitting in on an advanced Spanish class while not even being able to understand the smallest part of the language. Two people walked out, but I decided to remain, I am convinced that with a little bit of work I can do this. We finished the class with the most beautiful piece of Spanish guitar music and it was at that moment as my heart was melting that I knew this was the right place to be.
I have for better or worse also signed up for a tennis class that will begin tomorrow, we will see how this goes. I want to do both but time may not allow this. It, like my guitar class is also an intermediate course, I am interested to see what kind of people come to the community college for a tennis class.
By the way, anyone who is not using these tools is really missing out. For a whole term each class was only $35. That is less than the price of one hour of a private lesson. In Santa Cruz the teachers are just amazing.
Also on the home front: Wendy Has Become a Runner! Yes, I never thought I would see the day. And in staying with our minimalist ways, or not so minimalist ways I guess (depending on how you look at it) we were able to eliminate a barrier by scoring a double Bob stroller on Craigslist for a great price. Although running head-wind with a double stroller with both kids inside is like pushing against a large steel wall, it proves to be great training! I am proud of Wendy for overcoming her hate of all things two feet moving fast in succession. But she is looking smooth I must say.
Got out on the surf today, it was 69 degrees, and beautiful. I paddled to the outside of the Steamers Lane and was in awe, I was even able to get a couple good ones. I swear once I was going 90 mph into the face of this wave. God what a feeling!
And last if anyone didn’t notice, and it was slight, the Pasquini Family Blog moved to a new home! I was up till 3am last night getting it to convert over to the new server. I had way to much fun, but am a bit tired today, especially since the kids keep waking up at 5:30. God bless my wife for waking up with them, can I just say she is truly amazing!
You’re right, Wendy is truly amazing considering she has a hyperactive husband. Remember, there are no limits to the bounds of moderation. You don’t have to take both classes this term. You can take one this term and the other the next. But only you can decide what to do.
I really miss running and am glad to see you’re both doing it. Maybe I’ll get enough weight off to do it again. I’m hoping and praying.
Like you said, I’m the one who is really living a minimalist life. No sun today, no wind, just a little power, and no PG&E. I have a 13 inch TV because the big one uses too much power.
Don’t watch TV until around 7:30 in order to keep from running my DVR which eats up too much power. Boy am I a saint.
I will have to admit that this is a minimalist Blog.
I’m not sure if it might not be easier to learn piano than play classical guitar.