well, at least I wrote three. I guess someday I will finish my Peru blogs.
it was a nice night for a walk tonight, the air was cool and the sun was out. We ate huge burritos at Taqueria Vallarta, and Layla made googly eyes at the couple in the seat next to us. We strolled along the wood walkway down at the marsh, and it felt good to be out for an evening stroll. It was a strange weekend. I finished some tasks around the house, I played guitar, I ran several times at the gym, we took Layla Saturday for a swim. I feel though a bit lost this week, but that is me. I am not quite sure why. I feel kind of alone, I feel kind of sad. I feel at times that I just don’t always have the right words to say, or that if I do they don’t come out the way I may have intended them to. I feel like at times I try to over think what people want me to be like and then try to adjust to be that person. I feel like I fail in even doing this. I feel like people are looking for a friend, and that probably isn’t somebody like me. I feel like I need to sleep more. I feel like I have so much left to do, but not enough time, or resources to do this. I feel that God is ever more real. And I know that his love is always there to catch me at times like this when I am kinda down. I feel like my wife, is the greatest person on the face of this planet to put up with me sometimes. I don’t know why she does it, but she loves me unconditionally. God am I lucky for this, because without her there would be no one else I can think of who would or could love me like she does. I love her so much too. My daughters smile, and her hugs and kisses today were so wonderful. If I could package them up in an IV bag and give it as a drip, I would have the healthiest patients in the world. But I feel that today, I may be reluctant to share…
Well, just be yourself and don't try to be what everyone else wants you to be. You know you're not being yourself when you try to be like or act like someone you're not. Do what comes naturally.
You do need to relax more and fret less. "Let go and let God." as someone says. Worry accomplishes nothing and while it's easy to say not to worry, it's much harder to do. Like the guy ink Power Under Pressure Said, imagine the worst case scenario and then decide if you can live with it or not. In most cases we can.
Some student appealed her grade after I bent over backwards to help her. She got a B+ and accused me of being biased and unfair. You've got to wonder. Last time this happened my heart went into conniptions, but this time I just responded calmly, well almost calmly.
Like Lincoln said, "You can't please all the people all of the time and can only please some of the people some of the time.." etc. I'm sure that's not exactly it, but it's close. There's one more part I think.
Wendy is wonderful, but there may come a time when she grows tired of your tirades so work on getting in the C zone more quicly and realize that nothing is ever that bad.
If you folks want to read about the most narcissistic sosialict ever, get the book called The Northern Magus . Pierre Trudeau, as prime minister of Canada, sponsored horrific sosialict policy that was tearing the country apart. Canada had no national debt when he started pontificating. Property rights were taken out of the constitution. The oil patch was mostly nationalized and had the dire consequences that were expected. His Just Society left a 400 billion national debt ,that was accrued in 12 years. That at par Canadian dollar went as low as 60 cents. Gun control was now fashionable. The Dept. of Defence was a shambles. Castro was a close friend. Reagan was to be hated. The West was wanting to separate. Etc., etc. There’s info on Wiki and Google. Read how a devout sosialict, marxist operates.Reply
Thanks Jessica, this book sounds interesting. I don’t know much about Canadian history so this sound like a great read!