15 wks 3days
12lbs 12oz
Sorry I haven’t written for so long. Mom grounded me from the computer because she says I’ve been waking her up every two hours for the past 3wks. Finally, I’ve gotten better over the last three days so she says I could write again. For all those who don’t believe it’s me typing just look at my pictures. See, the keyboard is my friend and I love my Bumbo sitting seat. I really enjoy cooking with mom and dad in the kitchen. I like smelling all the things I might be eating in the next few months. Dad gave me a pretzel to nauw on, quit salty, but mom took it away. I still like shoving things in my mouth when I’m hungry. I just last week discovered how to suck my own upper lip. I’m quit funny when I do it. I’m thinking about rolling over, but I think I still have a long way to go, mom likes to help by nugging me over . I like tummy time, especially at play groups where there are other people to look at. Mom’s put more of my clothes away because they don’t fit. I’m not gaining a lot of weight but I keep getting longer. My favorite Pj’s make me look really slim and they have crabs and squids all over them.
So, the tittle is social butterflies. Mom and I have been very busy lately with play dates and people even came to our house two Fridays in a row for play dates. I’m still not too interested in other babies, but I like all the voices of all the other moms. Babies, we just do a lot of drooling and staring at each other. Our favorite game is who can eat the longest, fart the loudest and stare the longest. Dad, Mom and I all went for a long hike with Mommy’s friend from work. It was so fun. I let Elissa and Ben both carry me and Ben and I are now pooppy buddies. Grandma P. came for the weekend and I got a lot of “Sing, sing dancing” in. I know not everyone knows what that means, but Grandma can only do it when mom and dad are out of the room. Mom got to ride her bike for the first time since I was born and on Sunday they got to have a 2hr gym date. Mom’s trying to teach Dad how to swim. Mom’s going to teach me in March!
Mom got her job and she’s very excited. A day job with home health, back to the good old days of Florence Nightingale. She almost cried though when she realized she’d offered to do a whole 40hr work week her first week of training. Cold turkey is just as good as getting your feet wet.
Well, I know I had a lot to say, could have said more, but I want people to still read this. Grammy and Grandpa Brown are coming this weekend, and I’m so excited to show off my new talents. They haven’t seen me for 2mths. I’m a big girl now. Till later.
Layla, I really enjoy your blog. It is filled with excellent information. You are “looooking goood!” I just posted a previous comment which wasn’t saved so I’m writing again and can’t remember excactly what I said. I did say that I’m glad to hear you are sleeping better and mommy and daddy are getting their sleep. You are wise in knowing they need a little time to themselves now and then. Your are fortunate to have such wise parents. God bless