I have been spending so much time updating this blog site with a new look, I haven’t spent much time writing. Sometimes I just enjoy tinkering with all the workings that I get a little too carried away. I will spend months not really caring and then all of a sudden there I am till 2am clicking away. But there is an art in all this, the visually creative aspect that comes with creating anything, even a web site. The other joy is overcoming and problem solving many of the obstacles that you encounter along the way. This, like life is where all the fun is. A constant reminder that without lots and lots of failures nothing in life will ever become tangibly evident, simply because a life without failure is proof that we never took chances in the first place.
I really had a wonderful weekend, finally finished the door project I had been working on for so long. This is an example of the trial and error I was talking about above. I had to frame and cut wood trim and faux doors to fit in a triangular shaped space at the top of our stairway, who would have known this would be such a geometrical triumph? But in creating a triangular recessed door I realized I opened a whole host of problems and new previously unexplored dimensions and I mean literally dimensions! Needless to say the project was completed this weekend, with minimal cussing (and only a little bleeding) and I think it looks pretty good. But let me just say, there is a reason I struggled in high school geometry, and his name is Pythagoras!!
Spent so much wonderful time with the kids and Wendy this weekend. Our daughter has been spectacular, and it was like she woke up and decided to get rid of the word no, and enter Please and Thank You. My wife and I were dumbfounded and thought that our 2 year old may have been visited by the “Truth” ferry, Anyway I am not going to ask any questions, maybe she just has realized after the birth of our son that she still is loved to the toes, and that put the smile back on her beautiful little face. As for the little dude, well, he is up a little more at night, but still qualifies as our chill baby, and this time around I am not taking his late night fuss with Dad so personally, I just liken it to my lack of lactation, and get on with life.
Played tennis twice this weekend, I am in awe at how good my Brother-in-Law has gotten. I feel both thrilled and I guess scared all at the same time. I guess I am going to have to pull a few late nighters of my own practicing my serving game.
Got a couple runs in, one barefoot run on the beach Friday morning. The highlight of the journey was passing the grazing sheep at the lagoon who just stared at me with such confusion, I could tell as they were chewing their grassiness they were thinking “humans what strange being that would run for fun”. On my way back when I hit the headwind I realized that they may be right.
This morning Wendy and I got our bodies and two little bodies all out the door before 9:30am and took a spectacular hike up into Pogonip Park. Our daughter ran, and picked up bugs, sticks and even a little poison oak along the way, it was just beautiful up there on Swift street, I got in the water at 1:30 for a little low tide fun at Cowells, the wind was probably 40mph but the swell was amazing, Besides having to dodge all the flailing Sunday afternoon bodies in the water, and a few disgruntled locals, It was really something else, tight fast rights, I felt myself smiling from ear to ear a couple times and giving shout outs to some of the really good surfers, it was a great afternoon. All in all I feel refreshed and ready for the work week. I hope I can do some good this week, make a difference, enjoy my days. Because as we all know life is way to short to sweat the small stuff, and in the words of my guru Richard Carlson it really is “all small stuff”.
Sounds like a great few days and that you are taking the time to smell the roses.
Lloyd Parenti, an old friend from high school who lives in Walnut Creek, came up to visit. His second marriage just ended. He’d been so excited at the start and it’s a sad thing to see him so sad. His wife told him one day that she no longer wanted to be married.
We took a walk and my heart went into V-tac as he was forcing me to walk faster than normal back up the hill. I now automatically lay down when I get dizzy. So I did and I guess, according to him, my eyes rolled back in my head and then my body jerked. I’m not sure if it was my defibrillator or or a nerve reaction. If it went off, I didn’t feel it. He was unsure what he was going to do and so very happy when I came to. So was I. I kept hearing his voice and didn’t know what it was at first. He said he thought I’d had a stroke. It’s the first time someone was present when I passed out. Weird. It makes me realize how happy I am to be alive and how maybe I should warn people. I’m sure it happened because we were walking so fast.
I pray you make a difference at work and at home too. God bless. Love you.