It’s Wednesday, I have finished another long weekend off of work, enjoying the world around me feeling guilty that each day can be filled with so many great things. We had my wife’s family here for the weekend. We had a great time, golfed, ate, talked. Spent time together like families should do. And it made this home feel a bit more like home, affirming that home is where the heart is. This should come as no surprise.
I have been so enthralled with the fact that Wendy is pregnant. I just finished watching the pursuit of happiness with Will Smith. It was a good movie, makes you realize that with hard work and determination not everything is possible but that dreams are made from a vision and then the rest is perseverance. As I was watching I saw that drive that was in me several years ago as I struggled to become a PA. Now as I turn 30 I find myself gaining apathy, and possibly a bit of tiredness. Tired of constantly looking around the corner to find the next great thing. Hoping to be content with that which is most precious in life. But as always discontent in the fact that others struggle so hard and live without most of what came natural as a right of my birth.
I don’t really know what to write about tonight, I just thought I would write and maybe post a picture. My mind is stirring a bit tonight. I feel like a wonderer who’s path has been made, I am walking that path, but choosing not to look at many of the small towns along my way. I hope that I can accept the fact that this is not what God intended. I have accepted it but am fearful to open up to this calling. For no longer will my path be paved. Of course discontent breeds content when our discontent drives us to make great and positive change. I just hope that fear does not stand too strong in my way!
Ah, life, such an enigma. (puzzle) Contentment is like death so be happy in your discontent. “Higher, faster, stronger” I believe is the motto of Olympic athlete. The West Point Motto is “Duty, Honor, Country.” They are all open to interpretation of course. To me country means love of country that goes beyond “My country right or wrong” or “My Country, love it or leave it.” It goes to “My country, how can I make it better.” It’s people like Cindy Sheehan and others like her who speak out and try to make a difference that show their love of country But we can’t all be Christs or Martin Luther Kings or Cindy Sheehans. We have to be ourselves and like Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King said, “If you’re a garbage collector, be the best garbage collector you can be. If you’re a doctor, be the best doctor you can be.” Fill in the blanks. If you’re a ___________, be the best ___________ you can be. Life is as simple as that. A quote from a book called, The Captain, has a great quote. “Each of us must flower where God has sewn us.” So let us bloom where God has placed us and do it magnificently.