Well, I am at work for the first time writing in the ol’s blog. I cannot remember where I left off, but that is nothing new. I just received an e-mail requesting a 20 minute short regarding why I think Barak Obama should be the next president, this is in response to the bush in 30 minute videos which I be live were done by move on in 2006 they are great I just watched them. Anyway, Life has been good, I was sick for about 10 days which left we drained and feeling blue, but after this last weekend I felt like I was riding back on top of the saddler, it was nice feeling good again and being able to get outside and spend time with the fam. Mom came and spent Friday through Sunday, it was great having mom here and we got a chance on Sunday to go do some mountain biking. We took Layla for her first ride in the bike trailer, in her car seat, we skated together, we got free bread again from our favorite dumpster (go Kelly’s) I attended all 4 hours of my Spanish classes, and I got one step closer to finishing my Patent. This is a process which as always seems to be taking longer than I had expected. I wonder sometimes if it is worth it, but it is fun I guess, and I hope that I can make something of it.
We spent the day yesterday in REI in San Jose, we bought a backpack for Layla, and she loved it. I carried her all around the store and she laughed and giggled, it was fun, I can’t wait to take her on a real hike, hopefully she enjoys it as much in the great outdoors. I am hoping that being outside and enjoying all these things early in life will have a great impact on her in her future.
I enjoyed my Spanish class this week, starting to look forward to the evenings. I have great classmates and a great teacher. As always I tend to lay low in class do to my intense fear of even opening my mouth in front of more than one or two people…. oh well, I guess we all have our things and I am hoping that with time my deep rooted fear of public harassment and shame may get better. Hell I have listened to enough self help books. But, as they say, why look outward for answers to life questions, the answers life within us. Although sometimes helps to have a little guidance.
I am currently LISTENING TO (I put this in bold because my wife gets offended when I say reading) a book titled “The Third Jesus” by Deepak Chopra. I have to say that if I had to pick one person whom had the greatest impact into my spiritual life in the last several years I would have to pick Deepak. I love his view of love, inclusion, spirituality, and his acceptance of all world religions. His book on the third Jesus is one of the best discussions regarding the teachings of Jesus and it is from a non-Christian. Go figure, but it makes sense. I am enjoying it, and mixing this up with some other lighter listening on my ride to keep the mind moving. For now another reason to enjoy my daily commute.
I am already looking forward to the weekend, work is here, and predictable, yet I continue to enjoy what I do and the differences I can make.
I realize sometimes I treat my life like my computer, I am constantly tweaking it, upgrading it, analyzing the registry, trying to give it more memory and more programs so that it can be stronger and a better computer, yet still light and fast. This is quite possibly also an analogy for my life. Sometimes I am wondering if it is good just to let things be the way they are, you know, add service pack 1 (college) then service pack 2 (graduate school) and then just continue with the regular upgrades as recommended, it is when things are functioning well on my computer that I like to mess with it the most. ohhhh meeee……
This year is time for Stephen Pasquini 2.0 right now he is in Beta Testing…….. hopefully the final program will not be a total mess…. I will keep you updated.
Your computer analogy is great! It gives your life, and I suppose anyone’s life, a little perspective. Some people never tweak their lives or try to make it better. Can’t make mistakes that way. Don’t have to put up with the junk that happens when you add a new program and it screws up the system. But then you fix it and everything seems gold and you’ve learned something along the way that means you’ll be better able to make changes in the future.
As anything in life though, the doer also needs to take a break from doing so they can enjoy the doing when they start doing again. Like that sentence? Deepak is good and his voice has a loving calmness about it. Mom always used to say, even though I don’t believe she follows it, “Face your fear and it will disappear.” It is true 90% of the time. The best way to overcome your fear of speaking or making a fool of yourself is to speak and make a fool of yourself. The secret is to be able to laugh at yourself. That is really the key. It’s one of the lessons of The Peaceful Warrior. You’ve gotten a lot better at it over the years. Remember how mad you got when I used to give you a bad time about your golf. I was just joking with you and trying to get your goat, but you got mad instead of laughing at it all like you do now. You’ve come a long way over the years and as any of us, still have a way to go. I’m 65 and still have a long way to go. That’s life.
Your blog made me think that I need to do some blogging myself because I know how much I enjoy reading yours.