I found this hard to believe that White Americans in this country have it worse off than Mexican Americans. I thought a lot about this chart and figure maybe this demonstrates work ethic. Or is there something else going on here, does this reflect the value parents or communities place on education within their respective communities. Having worked with mostly Mexican American immigrants for the past year and a half I found this population to be caring, hard working, and extremely dedicated among other things. The neighborhoods in which they live represent pride of ownership, there is no graffiti, lawns are well maintained and family values and church are very important on the list. I guess the same holds true for African American communities, of course what differentiates the barrio from the ghetto, from (what do they call where all the whites an Puerto Rican’s live?) Anyway for all the criticism that the Mexican Americans take for causing problems for American society this is obviously not the case, and how amazing to know that in the scheme of things they suffer from the lowest overall poverty rates, of course this may come at the cost of increased rates in other categories. I wonder what other people think about this.
Poor whites are all over. Many live in areas like East Stockton along with Mexicans and African Americans. If you look at Stockton, you will notice they are in North Stockton as well as East Stockton. They usually live in low cost housing which is scattered thoughtout the city except in Bookside.
I can’t follow your logic with regard to the chart. It shows the whites have the lowest percentage of poor. I believe that there are more whites by number than other groups, but as a percentage of their population, isn’t near as large as the other groups.
Maybe I’m reading it wrong. Let me know.