I decided tonight that I am going to go ahead and submit an application to be on Survivor. This year while watching the show I just felt like I needed to be on it. I am not really sure why. I love the social aspect of the game. I can feel the fear the players feel and I felt like I have endured some of their pain in my own life. I am also no longer afraid to lose. And this is why I want to go on the game. To have no fear at something.
There is no way to walk away with a win on that show and still have your integrity, or so I presume. Everybody tries yet everyone fails… I take that back actually you can still have your integrity but you have to win every single challenge all the way to the end and that is nearly impossible.
The win definitely usually goes to someone who works their butt off though that is for sure. It is like anything in life. Lasting power under difficult circumstances is the key.
I cannot imagine how many people send in a 3 minute video trying to show why they should be on the show. I am not sure what to do for my 3 minute video, but I am going to think about it. In reality it probably doesn’t matter, it just has to do with what casting is feeling like at the time.
OK, off to bed and to start a new week. It has been a good one. I love Christmas, I love spending time with family…..
What’s your family going to be doing while you’re on Survivor? Are they going to easily survive without you or are they going to be on Survivor Walti?
36 days of survivor walti I suppose. But some things can just not wait. God is telling me now is the time