Just like adults, children don’t always say what they think. They either shade the truth or act out and expect us to understand what they are saying. For example, when children are tired they usually don’t say they’re tired and want to go to bed, they get fussy, scream, cry, and any number of other things. This happened a week or so ago after I took my four year old … [Read more...] about Listen to Your Children–They Speak a Foreign Language
Disciplining Older Children
The most important thing is for parents to establish good discipline when children are young. That sets the tone and lets children know you mean business and it will be much easier to discipline them when they are older. There may be some who read this who have meant will, but didn't go a good job of disciplining their children when they were younger. Don't feel like it's too … [Read more...] about Disciplining Older Children
Undisciplined Older Children
Ideally, good discipline is established when children are young. But there are parents who have let their children run the show and now can't understand why their children ignore them and refuse to obey. I've heard these parents say terrible things about their children as if it was their child's fault. Of course their are exceptions. Some kids may become undisciplined even … [Read more...] about Undisciplined Older Children
Grandparent Involvement in Their Adult Children’s Discipline
My son and his family came to visit over the Labor Day Weekend. We went to see the famous waterfall near my home. We had to hike about a half mile and my son was carrying Lucca in a backpack. Lucca’s shoe dropped off when we stopped for a drink and my son looked down at my granddaughter and said, “Layla, would you please pick up Lucca’s shoe?” She folded her arms and turned her … [Read more...] about Grandparent Involvement in Their Adult Children’s Discipline
When Children Ignore You?
A friend recently told me that when she talked to her son, he acted like he didn't hear her. She spoke a little louder and he still ignored her. She lost her temper and walked off angry. I was wondering what I would have done in this situation. The best thing to do would be to walk up next to him and give him a light tap on the shoulder, smile at him, and repeat what you … [Read more...] about When Children Ignore You?