Two years old is a time of magical thinking and wonder. A time to explore the world when you are still close enough to the ground to appreciate it. When things of adult monotony are casted in a a new light of delight and amazement. If we are to describe these years as terrible then we ourselves have lost site of all that is wonderful about little children, and the beauty and insight that they bring into our lives.
I have heard so many parents, and many patients cast off these years as “Terrible”. I propose we disregard this adjective and describe these years for what they truly are: Terrific, Ticklish, Tantalizing, Teeny-Tiny, Tough (for sure), Tremendous, Truthful, Talkative, Timid, Tenacious, Tiresome (at times) and of course Truly TEMPORARY!
The sad part is that we often fail to realize this. Yes, I am not a delusional parent, I understand that with all these wonderful “T’s” this is also a time where our children are striving to understand and cope with the world around them. This of course comes with a variety of challenges that may push us to our limits and drive us to consider posting our young toddler as an item on Amazon: Condition: slightly used, like new, qualifies for free super saver shipping!
But, beyond these moments, if we fail to step back and embrace the “terrific” in two, we will find that the only thing “terrible” about these years was our own attitude.
I agree. The they are terrific because children are becoming more human. They are becoming thinkers and testing their world. I like all the T words you used for the Two’s. In a way it’s the way we frame things that counts and you are right, too many of us frame things incorrectly and it makes us unhappy, when we could just as easily be happy.