Thank you Grandma for letting us live in the Seabright home for 9mths. Thank God another brother did not come along during that time! I’ve been mostly silent these last few months because we’ve been so busy. I’m big enough now to remember and take with me all the memories of living here. So here are the memories I will take and cherish.
Time Out: I loved my time out mat in front of the sink. I spent a lot of time there. I didn’t like when Mom put a dirty diaper in the garbage can. Longest 3mins of my life sometimes. Question is will it reappear in the Walti house?
- Play time in the tub with Lucca. We are just staring to grow out of it and I will enjoy some more room in a larger tub.
- Back Yard Fun: We could run and play, dig all we wanted while Mom did dishes. I especially liked to talk to “My Boys” next door.
- Sharing a room with Lucca: Not! Does he really have to wake up with the sun every morning? Mom still can’t believe I slept through the nights when he was up every hour or two. Mom says this saga (sharing a room) will continue for more years to come.
- Jumping on Couches: They were the best couches to jump on and the pillows made for great fun for the floor.
- Morning hugs with both Grandmas as they had to sleep in the Living room when visiting.
- Jammy Walks! I’ll have to talk to Mom and Dad and insist they continue when we move.
- Biking to School
- Lots of Kids Club
- Lots of beach days: This too should not be stopped as I’ve learned the ocean is my friend and I love the cold water
- Sunday Jogs with Dad
- Lots of flower picking and walks around the block.
Ok, Lucca wants to talk or Babble and Mom’s going to translate.
I was only 6mths when we moved in but now I’m a big boy now with lots of running to do, lots of teeth, and my new trick; Jumping. I can’t believe I was barley sitting up when we moved in and now I can almost keep up with Layla. Mom’s probably happy I won’t be able to play “Run around the Ford” anymore. My biggest trick is sleeping through the night. 15mths now and I’ve got it down. I still don’t understand why nobody wants to wake up with me in the morning though. The sun’s up, why can’t we all just start the day? Layla says the Walti house is fun but I don’t know, I don’t remember it. Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep through the night. I do like the stairs over there, they’re lots of fun and padded. I had to learn the hard way a few times with the cement steps on the front porch. They hurt! Well, Thank you Grandma! We’ll be back lots though for visits and more memories.
I’m not sure how I missed this Lucca, but this is great. Your mother must be proud.