Wow, I just finished my 4 days off; I am needless to say…exhausted. We did so much work this week. We are remodeling the bathroom now, one thing after the other. I am using my time wisely though and am happy that we got so much done. To top it off I got a free electric mulcher mower off of freecycle which was great, I was able to completely renovate our side yard and then last night picked up a mower. I mulched it, repaired the automatic sprinkler system, and am now watering the side yard again, our shared trees were dying and I am happy to see that they are coming back to life. The weather has been beautiful, but I have not been surfing for weeks as the surf has been terrible. I am hoping for a swell, but am using the time wisely. My hands are blistered.
We had our tour of the Maternity ward last night, which was rather unexciting. Although I must take a moment to comment on all the pregnant bellies. Wendy told me I shouldn’t be looking at other peoples pregnant bellies, but what a difference. Wendy appears to be a birthing machine as she seems to be carrying very well. I am excited.
Installed all the cabinets in the garage and for the first time in my life I have a real work bench, I can’t wait to create more elaborate and exciting things on it. But after working for hours on this project I am just very happy to be closer to finishing.
I am looking forward to going back to work to take a day off of working, how sad is that? I am going to shower, finish watching letters from Iwo Jima, and call it a night. Great week all in all, proud of the labor, looking forward to our little baby, and enjoying making a home for all to share.
It’s pretty bad when going back to work is a period of rest.