Governor you continue to make one thing very obvious you have absolutely no care for anyone less fortunate than yourself. You should be ashamed, for not supporting sb840. You are ignorant, arrogant, self righteous, and absolutely worthless for this state. I have written you several times in regards to this bill, as a health care provider I asked that you come and tell my patients that you have decided to continue to make them work endless hours to put food and riches on your table while you deny them a basic human right. You have proven again that you don’t care about anyone except your rich and deep pocketed constituents. I cannot tell you how this single veto will negatively affect the many hard working residents of this state. I am going to continue to write you until you come visit our clinic, and again as I said earlier you can tell my patients that they have no help here in this country or in this state, that we only help those born to be so fortunate or who have through the luck of fame or through cheating the system (such as using steroids) have gotten an edge. Thank you again for nothing…. you continue to live as I would expect. I am ashamed to think I ever looked up to you….
Stephen J Pasquini
305 Mustang Ct
Apt D
King City, CA 93930
I guess you told him. He is a fool. He has no sense of history or of what’s right. Maybe there is still hope. You never know. When these kinds of things happen, the only thing we can do is pray that his heart softens. I still believe in the power of prayer. Maybe you should start a prayer movement and get 1000’s of people to join in a common prayer for the Governor’s signature. It would get public attention and maybe help the cause.
I’ve decided to run for the school board up here. The election isn’t until next November so I have a little over a year. That’s my idea for now. I believe I can do a good job for kids if I was on the board.