In response to my dad’s comments:
I find it interesting that people, especially poor people often side with the logic of the wealthy class. It’s as if siding with them will make them part of the club, maybe this is the reasoning. Or maybe the propaganda of the Insurance companies who rake in so much dough on Americas misfortune have done the same thing the Bush administration has done so successfully: they have used fear to convince the masses that they do not want change, because change could bring health consequences such as long waits and possibly even “DEATH”>>>>> this is the Republican Party… they are the DEATH party, convincing all of us that if we live in fear we will be saved: How backward, how ridiculous, what a horrible way to live life.
The movie Sicko will not benefit these skeptics, they have already signed off on the possibility of a Liberal saying anything of value. I guess in many ways so have us liberals of the Republicans. We will fight till the end of time, not about ideas but about our feelings on human nature. I would listen to Bush if he had anything good to say, and this is what your Republican friends will also feel. It is simply a matter of opinion, one we will never understand, but it is one none the less.
I understand people’s fear of a change in health policy; they do not trust that our government truly cares about them. And really why should they. But what they don’t realize is that private enterprise is usually much worse when it comes to health care. Competition in this market does not drive lower prices, because the insurers have no control over these. But they do have control over what they pay for.
I believe our current state of health care can be compared to a Pinto and Lexus. Why would somebody choose an old beat up Pinto over a Lexus? Even when the Lexus cost a quarter of the price? Because they already own the Pinto! It often times gets them to work when they need it, it has been running for a very long time, and although technology has proven it ineffective, they believe the free Lexus is just too good to be true. They also seem to not care that 40% of the population has no way to get to work, they will continue to drive by them like hitchhikers and homeless people on the street, hoping that if they don’t pay attention long enough that the “problem” people will go away. And when one Pinto owner wrecks his car and looses everything he owns because there was no replacement plan, he too will become a hitchhiker, and the next pinto driver will drive by him, and the next and the next. Eventually all these old pintos will stop running. The pinto maker will be driving around his beautiful Lexus, we will believe him when he tells us that the pinto is still a more reliable car, and because 60% of us still have transportation, we will continue to neglect those who don’t.
The 60% flip: When 60% of pinto drivers no longer have cars, the Lexus will become the automobile standard, but until then, we will continue to drive old beat up clunkers. And the Lexus driver will assure that the Majority of pintos still run “well enough”, and until we take note of this we are just suckers driving shitty cars!!
I’ve got to say, The Pinto and the Lexus make a good comparison. You may be right about beliefs, but part of being a liberal is listening to what others say. That’s why we argue among ourselves so much. We always see too many alternatives. The conservatives on the other hand don’t see any alternatives except what we have. Your last line sums it up so well. The Lexus driver will assure the Majority of the Pinto owners their cars run “well enough”, and until we take note of this we are just suckers driving shitty cars.” That’s it.