Life’s daily adventures, deemed important only by what we choose to be. A different world, a different time, sometimes life speeds by, other times we sit and watch it slowly wonder, today it moved and I moved with it, and at the end of the day I was left spinning circles in the ground. We got our first offer on the house today and at the same time we got another, what a serendipity, isn’t it amazing how life’s fortune changes in an instant. I was laughing with my wife though because I said I get suspicious when life starts going too smoothly, isn’t that a pessimistic way to look at the world, must all good be balanced by an appropriate evil, must all good fortune see it share of misfortune? who’s to know. Hours upon hours of looking at carpet and floor and paint. I told my wife she needed another friend to do this with as I could only act a moral support for so much time, But I enjoy being by her side and making decisions, for the first time I have been able to let my OCD slide, and enjoy the process, it has been great, I think this is what Santa Cruz does to me. I find myself more relaxed in general, strange how that is!!! I just want to make note of my extreme happiness in this moment, and maybe someday down the road (if my ominous prediction is right) that all of life can not be so rosy, I will look back at this moment and realized the feeling of true happiness. But then again when I look back I feel this is the essence of my life, and then I wonder if this is luck or a fortune thus predicted by an attitude. yet another family friend sits at home on disability with 29 and watching her nervous system shut down from MS….. we are all a moment away from a life change, I guess the question is, how will be handle it? We took time to take a walk today and go to church, have a cup of coffee, and laugh together. We took in the sun, looked peacefully at a Blue J…… we took another moment to look at our neighbor through the window as well……….. More of that later… have you ever just wished you could buy someone shades???? another time in life I guess,,,,,,,, SE LA VI. and all that jazzzzzzzz…………….
Congrats on your move and purchase. I’m a little like you in that when good things happen I know there may soon be bad times “a commin.” The secret of course is that when you’re having bad times to think “good times ill be a comin.” Life goes in cycles and we must learn to “go with the flow.” I’m really learning this as I solve my computer problems and fix them one at a time. I’m frustrated, but realize little by little, that if I’m patient all the problems will soon be solved. “Keep hope alive.” It’s that way with life too.
Yeah, you are a bit of a pessimist. I’m more of an avoider. I just try not to think about it. Plus, I’m really trying to be more optimistic. I’m especially trying to keep this in mind during down times.
Here’s a good example:
You and I talked the other night about your new house and living in Santa Cruz and how unhappy I am at my new job.
After a pretty rough night of feeling down, I went to craigslist and started searching for houses in SC. I actually found some that were under $400,000 and livable. Then I went on Zillow to see what our house is worth to find out how much equity we have. Then I went to a mortgage calculator site to see if we could afford mortgage payments for SC.
Guess what? I think we can do it! It was the first time that I had hope that we could actually live in SC and not have to go to someplace like Felton or Boulder Creek. Granted, one of the places that I saw was one of those mobile homes on Brommer Street, but it was 1,500 sq. ft. and had more ammenities than our current house!
My biggest fear is that the lure and appeal of SC will wear off after awhile of living there. I can’t really see that happening, but it’s always in the back of my mind.
The main reason for living there is that Pat and I can both agree on the location, it’s sunny and warm, we’re closer to my family and friends and we’d have people to do things with to drag us out of the house. I want to move now, but know that this isn’t practical.
The next 2 years are going to be a struggle because of my job and the commute and my new found isolation from friends, but I’m hoping that all of the mental work that I’ve done over the last 2 years will get me through it. That and lots of tears and Kleenex!
So yeah, things suck right now for me but there is hope and there are always people around me to look to for support. That’s the one thing that we can always be happy about no matter how tough things get: we have people who love us and will do anything for us.
So enjoy your happiness and rub it in all of our faces! 🙂
Live in the moment my friend. Carpe Diem. But to give you an idea of how quickly it can turn, my car got stolen last weekend. So even though I am a big believer in My Name is Earl, sometimes these things can’t be justified. As Randall said in Clerks, “There are a bunch of savages in this town.” So we too are looking to move. Great website. Keep up the good work and why don’t you ever call?
-Paul Caminata