Eternity ignites fire, dissolves into dust, and around me on this day, the beauty that exists ignites my imagination, a timeless world caught on film, a time in my life gone….. We die a new death every day, with every passing moment we die and awaken to find life. How precious is this moment caught on film, how sacred is this space, it will never come again, and like this fire, long burned out, ashes remain to hold it’s place. But the light and warmth it provides will last forever!!
1 Comment Close this window
Duke said…
Great words. My eye focused on the big thing at the top of the picture for some reason. It wasn’t until I read your words that I realized I hadn’t focused on the fire. I like this because you say we die a new death and find a new life which forms a circle like we talked about quite a few years ago. Great thought and so true.