Tis’ the Night before mother’s day and all through the house not a creature is stirring except me, my keyboard and mouse.
Finally mommy is tucked into bed and daddies on the couch with the pillow over his head.
I am awake and happy you probably can guess why
because in the room next store is my mommy’s watchful eye
I have heard that not all baby’s are as lucky as me
My mommy’s the best just read on and you’ll see
My mommy carried me for nine long months
she never complained and only fell once
she never smoked tobacco, or used drugs like crack
I am sure that the coffee and whine hardly set me back
From my very first day love has poured through her eyes
she is calm when I scream
and sooths me when I cry
She strokes my back to put me to sleep
and nudges me awake when we have time to keep
she lends me her boobs so I can eat and grow strong
then lets a machine suck on them when I am gone
I figure it hurts but my mommy don’t care
at least it’s not daddy’s I have tasted his, they have hair
My mommy takes me to the park and we play in the pool
she changes my diapers when they are full
she wipes my bottom and cleans my tooshy
she even comments on my poop if it’s sqooshy
Most of all my mommy is always there
To hold me to love me she always cares
And at the end of the day I am as lucky as can be
Knowing that my mommy will always love ME!
I love you Mommy!
How clever, a poem from Layla on Mother’s Dad. By the way, Happy Mother’s day Layla’ Mommy. Loved how it rhymed.