Today I took a walk through the Santa Cruz Mountains and the redwood forest, I surfed for 2 hours while the sunset and took in a movie (glory road) at the Santa Cruz cinema nine. It is late and I was thinking how time alone is essential to exploring oneself. I stepped outside on the porch at 1:00 am, the stars were glorious and looking into the dark; perpetually distant were these glimmering planets. I can’t help but think how insignificant my minute is in the scheme of everything, yet it is all I have. And I guess that is a wondrous thing. I look foreword to tomorrow, maybe a longer walk, or a ride on my bike somewhere with the music loud, to drown the sounds of the passing traffic. And in my head I can find peace in the moment…… How great a thing that is!!
The beauty of it all is that we are a universe unto ourselves. Sometimes we forget that.