This is the revised entry that I edited for a previous post dated April 12, 2006 titled: Administrators. It has been revised in it’s original location, I am placing it here as well, as it is my entry for today. As for the previous entry, It has served it’s time, and like many a fleeting thought will be forever just that.
I deleted this entry on 7-29-07. I have thought long and hard about this. I have always kept this blog as an online journal. It was never meant to anger, insight, or even cause conflict. It was a place where any emotion at any given time would be able to find it’s place in cyberspace. I have written to the stars for quite some time now, and my words have traversed the convoluted silicon and copper wire turnpike of the worlds vast internet. I have always tried to live an honorable life. Hoping, and trying to make decisions and lead by an example based on love and fairness. I have lived the life of an idealist, hoping that by doing this the same would be returned. I have learned that human nature does not always offer such a generous response. We should not “expect” anything, we should not be “mindful” but, as one man put it…. shut up and dance. I guess this is what the world needs, more mindless drones of society riding the capitalist roller coaster of life, finding our way down the tracks around the bend and back again to be dropped down the descent, never to create new rides with new turns. What are we all afraid of?
I have been disappointed in this, but have also realized that it is sometimes a journey we must take ourselves. Being careful as to those we bring along.
But also I am conflicted, because how then do we strive for that place, make that world where fairness and equality are not blunted by one mans view of world order?
I have not yet figured this out.
I am happy to have the life I have. to work at the place I work, to serve the people I serve. I Do owe this to those who write my paycheck, and have realized that it is not in ones best interest to bite the hand that feeds them.
I also feel that we should be encouraged to express our feelings, and I hope that sometimes these feelings will be taken for what they are, expressions, not condemnations, but possibly one mans thoughts on any given day.
As for the words that once filled this empty place in cyberspace, I feel that the edited version makes more sense. As for the point of the whole thing in the first place….. We all work very hard, we are grateful for the jobs we have been given, we hope that those who employ us will be grateful for our hard work, we seek approval, are grateful for praise, and as all humans seek value in our lives and our work.
The life of the working man, especially that man who paves the way for all of us so fortunate, is often lost under the ruffle of the fallen leaves. I hope that he, who walks tall in the forest, will take time to realize that the rich land on which he treads is often paved with the lives of those less fortunate. I would hope that when the time comes we all take a moment to wipe the dirt off our feet, pay homage to the land, give back to the earth, and thank it for the wonderful life it brings!!
Sounds like you’re dealing with reality. I’m reading Under a Baseball Moon by John Ritter, the writer whose seminars I attended. The boy Andy (14.5 years) wants to be a musician. The father worries about him because he’s afraid the price of fame will be too great. He tells the son he will have to make a choice whether to conform to the big money people who want him and his music to be a certain way or to play his music the way he wants and have fun. I’m not sure how this is resolved, but it is part of the human dilemma.
One of the themes in my book about Jake is balance. Like the old Chinese Proverb says, “There are no limits to the bounds of moderation.” But that’s only a guide. Maybe there shouldn’t be any limits to our desire to make things better.
Unfortunately, we too often need a bull dozer to make change. All the conservatives in our church, that’s most of them (Anglos anyway) won’t go to see Sicko. They keep bad mouthing the movie to everyone they see. Vernon told me this was true in Bieber and I know it is true at Our Lady of the Valley (They don’t see the contradiction) because they all jumped me when I said they should go see it. I ignored them and told them some highlights.
Our substitute priest is from Ireland and had joined us for dinner. I used some subtlety to make my point.
“Father, do you have universal health care in Ireland?”
“Yes we do.”
“Do you like it?”
“Do you have to wait a long time to get care?”
“Do you get good care?”
Here was an actual story right in front of them, but they ignored it and went on to say they wouldn’t see anything by Michael Moore and the whole thing was socialized medicine and we’d have to face long lines and poor doctors.
I didn’t want to get father in the middle, but said “Father just said the medical care is good and there aren’t long lines.”
Fell on deaf ears and went into a suggestion that I go to CNN and see how Michael Moore lost his cool and made a fool of himself.
I guess it’s all about little battles some of which we win and some of which we lose. There were a lot of other people in the restaurant who had to hear me. We were out on the patio at the Mexican restaurant and the place was packed. So who knows who else might have been listening and inspired by my efforts.