Today what got me out of bed was knowing I would have a lunch break.
And how much I loved taking an hour under the eucalyptus trees, reading the Santa Cruz Sentinel and then settling in for a quick 20 minute nap.
These moments alone are such an important part of my day. For 4 years I have treasured this time in my day. I often wonder how the other providers can go without such breaks. Working through lunch, poking at keys on the keyboard.
I find that with the break I come back much more productive. I divide my days into two “nose to the grindstone” halves. And without time to reboot, I would be a wasted man indeed.
The social injustices that I see everyday weigh heavily on me. They take a toll, but they keep me humble, they make me a better man.
I struggle with this, trying to find balance, prosperity in the face of scarcity…. It’s a noble pursuit. One foot out the door, the other holding it open, my head poking through the space between. So far so good I guess.
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