Image by stephenpasquini via Flickr
What do I think about when I think about running? I am not sure if there is a way to put it into words. It is more of a sense, of calm, of feeling alive. It is being outside on a sunny day, running behind my 3 year old daughter, pushing our son up a single track in a double stroller, with a smile on his face. It is the image of first morning dew rising over a marsh, the sounds and scents of water logged trees and old growth forest in the middle of December. It is stretching out on the beach at the end of it all, sand beneath small, baby feet. Watching my wife glide down the path in the lead with nothing on her mind but the fresh air and the lunch that awaits us at home. As I run, so goes my feet, yet my mind is on a gentle stroll, stopping to smell the flowers. My feet and heart are left to do all the work. The faster I go, the slower the world becomes, and life for a moment stops running to make way for my anxious feet. Stillness fills the frantic pace, and what is left…… is what I think about when I think about running!

Great piece of writing. Your prose are excellent and very visual.