I love on occasions looking down the list of my archived posts. It is something I rarely do. And there is probably good reason for this.
I am listening to Sarah Silverman’s book “The Bedwetter” and she talks about how most of what is in a diary is boring and useless drab. Self flagulation at best. This inspired me to go back through my blog.
Thank you Sarah you are so right. You are going to save me from doing that again.
In fact I can’t believe in the nearly 6 years I have been writing here nothing more profound has come of it.
Obviously writing in an open forum leads to self censorship for sure, but this is probably the only reason there are at least a few good reads. I must thank my dad and perpetual blogger in crime for that as well.
Anyway, again, here I go…. drab.
Books I am reading:
1. Pat Conroy: My losing season (thanks to my dad)
2. Sarah Silverman: The Bedwetter
3. Dr. Weil: Really all of his books back to back to back (and loving it)
4. Some book I got from the library about marketing
Podcasts this week:
NYT Tech Talk… love the geek speak
60 minutes podcast
A Ted Talk about Cancer Genes
Smart Passive Income
Take Home Point this week:
People are complex. Take the time to put yourself in their shoes!