My one hour and twenty minute commute has created something that was unexpected: A time for reflection and learning. After completing grad school, I had failed to even consider opening up a book, in fact I usually found reading to be a profound waste of time… how profoundly wrong could one man possibly be? I have found a joy in reading through listening, now I walk into the library and I get so excited by all the wisdom that I find I start grabbing books and getting so excited I get lost. Last time I walked down there I had Layla on my chest. I had to ask for a bag! Needless to say it was a long walk home. I am trying to think of the first book I listened to that made the change. I think it started with Tuesdays with Morrie. I remember making that hook turn into Salinas with tears in my eyes. Also I found a new meaning and excitement in life. Often the thoughts would transform and change my perspective on the upcoming day. I started formulating thoughts and ideas, I discarded mind numbing radio ads, and negative news feeds and began listening to things that have had a dramatic effect on my life. I was trying to think of all the books that I have “read” in a year and realized I was losing track. But my last count had me at almost 30 books. I have realized that my outlook on the world has been profoundly enhanced and changed sitting in my car. I just finished one of those great reads titled “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma. Now I am reading Al Gore’s Assault on Reason and a Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking. Talk about a morning mind trip….
Maybe it is funny to think that I am becoming a self help book guru of sorts. But I find that these books interspersed with books about history, philosophy, politics and humor makes me a much more balanced person. Since reading the Monk who sold his Ferrari, I have started eating better, working out again religiously, taking time to take walks, and I now wear an elastic band on my wrist… I will have to save this explanation for later. I have also found that this has made me a much more effective medical provider. The end result is a path to the person I had lost that I never knew was gone. It started shortly after birth I think. When I look at Layla I look at the person I could be. It is hard to believe I have found this in the smile of an infant. Maybe that is the place we should all look. The fearless face of a loving child. This experience was summed up in a quote I would like to mention here: “Your children are not your children; they are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself” The Profit Kahlil Gibran…..
You’re right. Reading is a wonderful thing. I’ve been listening to books on tape for what seems like 20 years. In fact it probably is because I used to subscribe to Books on Tape before I started Audible and have been doing Audible for at least 8 years. Sure means that time wasted is now a chance to enrich the mind. Wendy’s mother gave me a book to list the books I’ve read and something about them and I can’t wait to get into it and write them all. I wasn’t much of a reader when I was young either. Doesn’t say much for our educational system because they sure don’t develop a joy for reading.
You are right about children. They do make us look at the world differently. We see in them at a time we have no memory of. We don’t have consciousness of those years and we can see it in children and it enlightens us.
Jennifer and Pat will never have this and it will be their loss. she things I’m always hounding her because I want grand kids when it’s not that at all. Kids make us better people. Well at least in most cases. Guess it depends on the adult.