I am wearing a shirt today with your picture on it, I am dreaming of a day when a politician will break free from the bonds of Party Slavery. And although you are “my man” I am disappointed that you will not listen to the democratic base and choose Hillary Clinton as your running mate. I didn’t see the masses lining up to pave the road for Senator Biden. I hate to say it, but you are making me loose faith in the fact that you may truly be the progressive candidate I thought you were. This is a conservative move, done I can only assume out of fear. It is the first sign that you are not going to listen to the pople, and it makes me a bit nervous. Maybe I am wrong, maybe this is the only way you can truly be the “change” man. But I can not immagine that taking a Woman as competant and loved as Senator Clinton would not be the better choice, and represent true change. I think you may be a coward… and headed down the same road of those cowards such as Gore, and Kerry. Be bold man… I know you can be….. make me a believer!!! TAKE HILLARY PLEASE!!!! You will also secure a much larger portion of the Hispanic Vote!!!! WWMPD (What would Michael Phelps do?)
Dear Mr. Obama:
I’ve heard it all now. “What would Michael Phelps Do?” God only knows.
I agree with you. I like Joe Biden, but he’s not Hillary and we can only hope that the reason Hillary and Bill are getting so much time at the convention is because he’s already decided to take her as his running mate and is trying to throw the media off. My experience in life though is that wishful thinking is only that.
But let’s pray I’m right. You are right about it being a Gore or Kerry type move. I told you he was an appeaser. It would be a gutless move. The only good thing is that McCain is taking government money and he will run our and Obama will have plenty left.
I guess there isn’t much we can do except take a wait and see attitude. I hear he’s making his decision public this weekend.
The one big reason it would be cowardly not to pick Hillary is that it shows he doesn’t have enough confidence to believe he can keep them from taking over, which of course they can’t because he’s the President and has the power over legislation and appointments etc. There isn’t much they could do but work for him and support him. It would be good to have both of them in his corner which he might not have if he doesn’t pick her or giver her and Bill some plush appointment
John F. Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson as his running mate and he hated Johnson. Johnson had been Senate Majority Leader and was from the south and not at all like the New England Kennedy’s. They laughed at him behind his back because they thought he was a bafoon. Yet, he stepped in after Kennedy’s death and established the War on Poverty, Medicare, and passed the civil rights bill because he knew how to wield power. His only mistake was getting us into the Vietnam War. But he also had the good sense not to run for a second full term and maybe this was his way of repenting. Robert Kennedy was running and won the nomination and of course was assassinated and it changed the course of history. We ended up with Nixon.
Have a good day. God bless.