“Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice; who makes his neighbors work for nothing, and does not give them their wages.” Jeremiah 22:13
Last week The House of Representatives took a look at their salaries and decided to give themselves a raise for the seventh time in eight years – a $3,000 increase, bringing their base salary to $168,500.00 Yet in that same eight years Congress has REFUSED to raise the federal minimum wage. It stands at $5.15 per hour. Those working full time year round earn only $10,700 a year – $5,000 below the official poverty line for a family of three! The federal minimum wage has not been increased in nine years; yet Congress has increased its own pay by $31,600 during that same period. (An excerpt from Faithful America June 21, 2006)
Screw you Congress!!!! The problem is this; those that represent us do not represent us!!! I recommend that congress be paid the minimum wage for their labor; they also should do what they proposed a while back and have the same healthcare as all Americans NONE!!! These pompass bastards sit in their Mercedes Benzes and complain over welfare moms and Dads trying to scrape on by through life, these people are truly hypocrites in the greatest sense, why are they not made liable for such. We should not sit by and lay silent as our government continues to preach godliness and practice selfishness and greed. I am going to explode. If I have anything to say today it is this. When you see that lowly soul on the side of the street, the one collecting disability benefits or welfare from programs aimed to help those in need, Please do not throw blame. Call your Congressman for in here lies the essence of such sadness and inequality!!
Great blog. I agree with everything you say. Most in Congress are a bunch of hypocrites. They’re too busy finding the sliver in their neighbors eye while ignoring the board in their own. Maybe it’s time they read the Bible and really know what it says.
I suggest you avoid words like explode because Big Brother is probably listening.